Public Hearing Meeting
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Place: Dewey Town Hall
Time: 6:30 PM
1) Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance
2) Verify Open Meeting Notices
3) Discussion
Matt Baker Storage applicant, requests an amendment of the Town of
Dewey Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation on the
Future Land Use Map for parcel number 014-25-0711-D01, from
Agriculture “Road Right of Way” to Commercial Use. A request has been
made to change the zoning for the same parcel from A4 General
Agricultural Zoning District to C4 Commercial Zoning District. A
request has also been made to consider the combining of parcels 014-25-
0711-D01, 014-25-0711-A01 and 014-25-0702-12.01.
4) Adjournment
Please be advised that a quorum of Town Board Members may be present at this meeting.